Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Requirement given to Sriram(B13058) for making an application using Zoho creator:

I require form with the following fields:
First name (Text Field)
Last name (Text Field)
Age (Numeric)
Gender (drop down)
Phone Number (numeric)
Address (Text field)
e-mail ID (Valid email ID)
Did you find your desired product? (Check box)
Did you have a variety of options to choose from? (radio button)
Brand? (drop down box)
Model (Text/number field)
Bill no (file update)
Date of purchase (Date)
How would you rate our customer services (rating)
How do you find the ambiance of our store (rating)
What do you find most attractive about our store? (check box)
Did you find the location of our store convenient? (radio button)
How did come to know about our store? (check box)
Do you think we could improve more on our services? (Radio button)
Suggestions (Text field)
Verification code

Feedback Form


  •  Fill in all the details as mentioned in the Form. 
  • The question about the jewelry the are looking is to understand the customer wants better and better equip the brand with the collections. 
  • The frequency of their buying behavior enables us to inform them about the discounts we provide during seasons.
  •  The customer feel about the product pricing helps us to evaluate ourself on price from customer point of view and can help us out in deciding our price and also future discounts.

Friday, July 19, 2013

BIS Assignment@ Praxis Business School : What is System Architecture ?

RAHUL: Hello Sneha, can you explain me what is systems architecture?

ME: What do you want to know about systems architecture?

RAHUL: Explain me from the scratch about it?

ME: At first, I would like to tell you what architecture is all about. It is a visual representation of the hardware and software components that explains which software is running on which hardware box and how are the various hardware boxes connected to each other. You can consider laptop as an architecture model where the laptop is a hardware and any office package running on it is software. Software is the application and laptop is the platform.
So, have you understood the basics, if yes then I will proceed.

RAHUL: Yes, you can proceed.

ME: Now, I am going to explain you about the different forms of architecture:
It begins from:
Single tier architecture
Two tier architecture
Three tier architecture
Multi-tier architecture

Single tier architecture: It  may be fine for personal applications like word processor or spreadsheets.

Two tier architecture: In a two-tier architecture the data is separated from the application and stored on a different platform. Each user has a copy of the application on his own machine, the client machines but the data- the common data is used by all- is stored in a common machine called srver.

Three tier architecture: In this application has been split into two parts:
one part handles only the user interface, the other part which has the complex business logic.

Multi tier architecture: Multi-tier architecture is a client-server architecture in which presentation, application processing, and data management functions are logically separated. For example, an application that uses middleware to service data requests between a user and a database employs multi-tier architecture.

RAHUL: Thank you so much sneha for this explanation.